UNIFORMS – THE FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS The moment a student begins the martial journey, he or she receives a uniform and a belt. It is a special moment, and you can see it on the student’s face. This sets the foundation for the entire martial journey. Here are just a few reasons why. A SYMBOL OF COMMITMENT The uniform demonstrates a student’s commitment to the martial journey. People who learn commitment at an early age are better able to persevere when life gets difficult. High school, college, graduate school, and a career all require commitment. So do relationships, friendships, and parenthood. Those who remain committed to their values, to the people in their lives, and to a career path, tend to live longer, happier, healthier lives. Teaching your child about commitment sets the foundation for success. A SYMBOL OF UNITY The uniform is a symbol of unity. It says, “we are one, and we are doing this together.” When a child connects to positive, goal-oriented peers in a family-friendly environment, he or she is more likely to make good decisions later on in life. Soldiers, police officers, and firefighters – heroes always seem to be in uniforms. For millennia the uniform has helped us draw strength from each other, and build the courage to face the challenges ahead. Not wearing the uniform sends the message, “It’s all about me.” Wearing it says, “For this hour, it’s all about us.” A SYMBOL OF BEING IN A SPECIAL PLACE When a child wears their uniform, they see, hear, and feel that this space is different. The student gets the message, “I am here for a special reason. This isn’t like my other activities.” Every student of the martial arts, from From sensei Pavel to the newest member , bows on the beginning of the class. Similarly, everyone wears a uniform. It builds a foundation for a student to accomplish things they can’t accomplish anywhere else. A SMART IDEA Uniforms are just a smart idea. We move, jump, run, tumble, fall, grab, strike, block, and roll around in Krav Maga . Pavel hand-selected this uniform to stand up to the rigors of martial training. Material is light enough for comfort, but strong enough to withstand being grabbed, rolling around, or kicking over the head. While the uniform represents important martial values, it is also excellent workout gear. WHAT ABOUT THE T-SHIRTS? In our studios, students wear the school t-shirt.They must wear their belt and uniform pants, and wrestling shoes are still encouraged. Many parents are not aware that wearing other t-shirts to class is an outward sign of disrespect. Krav Maga parents understand the value of the martial arts, and would never send a child to class wearing street clothes. SEND THE RIGHT MESSAGE Life can be very hectic at times, and important messages can get lost if we don’t highlight them. Sending a child to class without a uniform confuses a child. It undermines the important life lessons that brought us here in the first place. When you insist your child wears their uniform, you send a message that you love them, that you support their learning, and that your child can do anything they set their mind to.

What can I say about inclusion. The definition of inclusion states that it is "the action of being included within a particular group or structure". For me this is the ultimate goal. Let me tell you why. I'm a mom of a beautiful boy who has additional needs. His name is Jamie. Having tried different activities that have been deemed unsuitable or unable to cater for those needs, a parent can sometimes lose faith on how their child can socially mix outside the safety and support of the primary caregivers. Over the last couple of years I returned to college to help me understand how I could help my son and also how to help other children that had difficulties fitting in. I've worked alongside some amazing children who have educated me to see beyond the barriers that sometimes can stop a child participating in different activities. Krav 4 Life is an amazing organisation to be a part of. I have been given a fantastic opportunity to share any knowledge I have and to incorporate this into the children's krav maga classes. Every child is different and isn't it wonderful. I tell Jamie that the world would be very boring if we all were the same. My son can step in and out of a class depending on what he wants to do. This gives him control of the situation and also includes him in the class alongside other children. The dream for me is that children of all abilities can come to class and have fun while learning the discipline of krav maga. I will continue to update my skills as I believe that education is vital to assist our next generation reach their true potential. To say that I feel happy to be part of the Krav 4 Life community is an understatement. KIDA

What is Krav Maga? Krav Maga is a fighting self defence system which was developed for the Israel defence forces. It combines the most effective combinations of Boxing, Wrestling, Aikido, Judo, Karate and other martial arts, along with realistic street fighting. Krav Maga is not a sport and there are no competitions. Krav Maga is full contact combat and has no regard for the well being of an opponent /attacker though we do also train in soft solutions. realistically in self defence all rules go out the window in a fight for your life. This is one reason it is chosen and utilized by special forces and law enforcement worldwide. Why train in Krav Maga? Krav Maga is realistic street fighting and it incorporates your body's natural defence reactions. This makes techniques easier to follow and learn. It incorporates your body's common sense and techniques are developed to implement maximum damage as quickly as possible. All rules go out the window in self defence and this is why Krav Maga is considered one of the deadliest martial arts. Krav Maga not only focuses on the physical training of a person but also prepares your psyche. Push and never give up. It focuses on common scenarios you, a friend or even loved one may have experienced. when training your instructor will implement various techniques or scenarios where applicable. EG: Bar Brawl, Alone at the ATM, Walking home alone and being attacked from behind etc. If there is a scenario your concerned about or may have endured in the past chances are your Krav Maga instructor can train you in a technique you wish you knew when it happened. Thus helping you move on and feel more secure. Benefits of Krav Maga! *As Krav Maga is a self defence system it focuses on improving your physical and mental state. So yes while training in Krav Maga you will tone up in places you never knew you had muscles. You will feel more alert and refreshed on a daily basis and your mood will improve due to those key hormones called endorphins you will produce while training. *In Krav Maga we train using aggression in our techniques which is a great stress release and you use up your pent up aggression in a constructive manner on pads and shields. (much better than slapping that someone you know you shouldn't) *In Krav Maga you will become physically and mentally more confident in yourself. as it is physically demanding you cant help but lose weight, feel less stressed and confident in protecting yourself. Your fitness level will increase substantially and training will become that little bit addictive. Fun Fact about Krav Maga! Did you know that Hollywood loves Krav Maga? All of those thrilling action movies you love with incredible fight scenes? you guessed it! most of them train in Krav Maga! A lot of celebrities train in Krav Maga for movies but also for fitness in their personal lives. Maybe you might know some or all of them? Gal Gadot AKA Wonder-woman, Jennifer Lopez, Jason Statham, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Daniel Craig, Aston Kutcher, Jessica Alba and Keanu Reeves to mention but a few. So as you can see Krav Maga is not just for muscle men, It is very beneficial to keeping us ladies strong too!!! Kida Tamara Howard